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Come, Let Me Tell You: Feminist, Lesbian and Queer Narratives of the Post-dictatorship Period

 Έλα Να Σου Πω: Φεμινιστικές, λεσβιακές και κουήρ αφηγήσεις της μεταπολίτευσης

is a collective volume comprising feminist, lesbian, and queer narratives of the post-dictatorship period (1974-), following the fall of the junta (1967-1974).

Reading excerpts of oral histories, we learn how eight individuals, lesbians, bisexual and straight women and queer people experienced the post-dictatorship period, through their participation in feminist, workers’ and anti-authoritarian movements.

Although the social effects of the reconstruction of democracy were significant, the limits (and, indeed, the borders) of democracy, its inclusiveness and its consensual, representative legitimacy remains a continuous struggle into the present day (or perhaps especially so in the present).

Based on oral histories conducted by participants in the community course “Let’s Talk About ‘Sex’, Baby”: Histories and Theories of Genders and Sexualities (October 2019-February 2020), the volume contributes to tracing an alternative history of the post-dictatorship era, which dominant histories render unheard.

Taken together, the eight narratives suggest the need and desire for histories written from below, which reflect the multiplicity, complexity, and even contradictory nature of lived experience, even in the context of a single life, in the time-space of a singular body.

Editors: Anna Carastathis and Bessy Polykarpou

Contributors: Evina Alata, Phaedra Vokali, Anna Carastathis, Stella Andrada Kasdovasili, Mairi Logotheti, Mairi Michailidou, Bessy Polykarpou, Katerina Stavridi, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Evangelia Chordaki

Narrators: A., Antouanetta Angelidi, Angelique Kourounis, Litsa, M., Anna Michopoulou, S., F.

Copyeditors: Fani Tsioubekou, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Bessy Polykarpou

Format: open access e-book and print edition, 106 pages
Language: Greek

Publication date: 21 December 2021


ISBN: 978-618-85834-0-5

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