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FAC press is the micropublishing project of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for research.

We publish open original publications (in English and/or Greek) and translations of high quality and interest to our communities, by researchers, activists, and writers, whose work converges with FAC’s research agenda.

Publications are open access e-books / low cost paperbacks published under a creative commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International).

Call for proposals.

In 2022, FAC press launched the Feminist Praxis series.

We envision this series on Feminist Praxis to raise issues by and for people that are underrepresented, marginalised, and subject to epistemic oppression in scholarly and trade publishing.

We invite proposals for original, unpublished manuscripts (in English, normally ≤ 50,000 words), on a rolling basis, whose themes and problematics converge with one or more of FAC’s research areas  and synthesise theory with practice, poetry with theory, action with reflection.

Please read the Call for Proposals (PDF) and the Authors’ Guidelines (below).

Authors' guidelines: HOW TO Submit a Proposal

The Process.

When we receive a proposal, it is first read carefully by the FAC press editorial collective before it is sent to relevant Research Area coordinator(s).

The author is then notified as to whether the proposal will be forwarded for peer review and considered for publication.

When the proposal has been reviewed (by at least two experts in the field), the author is sent the reviews: if the reviewers recommend publication, a timeline for completion and delivery of the manuscript is agreed upon.

Once the manuscript is delivered, it is reviewed thoroughly and a process of revision ensues. When the final substantive revisions are finished, the author is sent a copy-edited manuscript and the edited manuscript goes into production.

The author will be supported throughout the process by FAC’s editorial team, and we encourage submissions by first-time/emerging authors.

In contrast to a great deal of scholarly publishing, editors, and reviewers commit to making the process of revision (essential to any work of writing) empowering and collective.

Proposals should include the following information:

        • Author’s names, pronouns, contact information, and brief biographical note (100 words). In the case of an edited volume, please include contributors’ names and biographical notes in addition to those of the editors (each 100 words).
        • Title of work (or tentative title).
        • Brief non-technical summary (100 words): a summary that can be understood by someone who doesn’t know anything about the issue
        • Description (1,500 words): a description of the proposed publication that includes the motivation behind the work, its problematics, its relationship to existing literatures, etc.
        • Objectives: a list of aims the author has in writing this book.
        • Table of contents.
        • Chapter by chapter synopsis: an abstract of each chapter (300 words each).
        • Format (images, tables, diagrams, word count including references and notes).
        • Timeline: when will the completed manuscript be delivered?
        • Target audience: to whom is this book addressed? whom are you writing for? who do you imagine will “listen in”?
        • Possible reviewers’ names and contact information: all proposals and manuscripts will be peer-reviewed.
        • References: a list of works cited in the proposal.


The entire proposal (including references and notes) should not exceed 10 pages.

Please enclose a representative sample of the material with your proposal (e.g., a draft chapter of the book) of approximately 30 pages.

Incomplete proposals cannot be considered.

Please allow 4 weeks during normal working periods for a response after the submission of your proposal. (Please note we do not review proposals in July or August, when FAC is closed.)

To submit a proposal or to make enquiries, please e-mail us.