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Research Areas

The research agenda of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research is organised around the above six (overlapping) areas. Our research methodology is participatory, feminist, and anti-oppressive. We draw on Participatory Action Research (PAR) methods, collaborative ethnography, visual methods, do it with others (DIWO) and think with others (TWO) approaches, oral history, autoethnographic, poetic, narrative-analytic and other methods that aim to disrupt, challenge, and collapse the hierarchies between “researcher” and “researched.” We are interested in decolonial critiques of established research practices and traditions, challenging disciplinary canons and cognitive habits, and constructing and deconstructing knowledge through a politics of location.


Critiques of Power & Coalitional Politics

Sexualities & Genders

Queer & Transfeminist Perspectives


Migrations & Borders

Art as Research

Visual, Performative & Documentary Knowledges


Radical Perspectives on Urban Space and Design

Bodies in Movements

Embodied Knowledges, Collective Care & Healing Practices